Friday, January 14, 2011

Belly Fat not easy to get rid of

It appears whenever I get into discussion with someone serious about losing weight more especially getting rid of  belly fat we would both agree that it grows on us so easily. But it becomes very difficult to lose belly fat.  Probably that is why so many people give trying to get rid of that "spare tire" belly fat.  So instead it is passed off as another fat belly joke.

However, I had to recognize the dangerous side of not losing belly fat.  So many inherent complications to my health can arise if I did not lose belly fat.   There is a lot more information available today about the consequences of not paying attention to our obesity or being overweight.  A fat belly contributes negatively to so  many ailments or diseases.  So as I look at myself in the mirror, especially from a side view or looking towards my toes I increasingly disliked what I saw - my big, fat belly!

The more I understood about the threat to my health and life I read and listened and applied.  I decided I will get rid of belly fat so I could look better and live better!  Maybe if you are like me you might find interest at this link on getting rid of belly fat. I believe this lady who is a nationally certified, professional trainer and nutritionist helpful in what she says.  Take a look.

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