Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Astounding Facts about Diabetes Today

Diabetes affects us all - See why!

It is now a proven fact that obesity is a major contributor to diabetes. Being fat or having a fat belly makes it much harder for the body to process insulin, which makes it absolutely difficult to control our blood sugar levels. Additionally, being overweight is a recognized indication of the possibility of developing diabetes even with no family history of the disease.

All people and particularly families with young children! The foods they may be eating; the lack of exercise either in school or at home; the sedentary nature of electronic entertainment and even curricular activity especially involving the computer contribute to a child becoming affected by diabetes. Perhaps if families used, consistenly, exercise active games on the X-box or Wii for example, that may help to some degree. But it has to be consistent and coupled with healthy food consumption.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

How to Reverse Diabetes

Just had my three month checkup and testing.  ALL is well!  My sugar level, cholesterol, blood pressure and urine sample are all absolutely fine. PTL  I am really happy to always hear that kind of news.

About three weeks ago I went to the Emergency of our local hospital because I had some ongoing stomach pains for 3 - 4 days. I believed it was a reaction to Arthotec an anti-inflamatory drug for some pain I incur when I step out into the winter air. This has been a persistent problem for me - only happens when I breathe in cold air or when the air-conditioning in the car is turned up too much.

Anyway, I stopped the medication and when the hospital x-rayed my chest area everything came up good - no structural or evident problems.  I had to return the next day for an ultrasound to check out my stomach. Results all is well in the stomach - got referred to gastro specialist for further confirmation - could be a bacteria but blood test will most likely confirm none!  The stomach pain however had subsided by the second day after my x-ray and 5 days after it started.  Now I have no stomach pain.  And as I said my diabetic checkup and tests were all good.

If you are troubled by Diabetes, may I suggest you take a look at this article by Matt Traverso
He shows you how to reverse Diabetes now.

Here is an interesting video from Yahoo news Govt.: Cut sodium, fat; add fruits, vegetables

Feel free to post a comment and I humbly encourage you to share my blog with others.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Functional Exercises for almost Everyone

Training for everyday life. Since so many, many people have a sedentary life this is a way for people to get active with an aim in mind. That is to effectively do everyday type of tasks plus some not so frequent tasks without causing injury to self.

For example, taking out a bag of groceries from the car trunk can put some people's back out. Or how about lifting an unusually heavy garbage to the curb. Maybe stretching to reach an item from the top shelf of a cupboard. These are sort of everyday tasks can can catch one off-guard and do some injury to oneself.

Then there are those infrequent, for many people, vacation or travelling trips with extra heavy suitcases that lifted incorrectly can strain muscles, tendons perhaps in some case even twist or break an ankle or wrist. Or maybe a trip to the hardware or lumber store to get some bulky item or heavy item - fine the store staff may help you to lift it into your vehicle but then when one arrives home and attempts to remove said item then the injury may occur. It happens! And it can affect any age if a person is unaccustomed to such tasks.

So the recommendation is to do some core and functional exercises which means it involves a number of muscles being trained in an easy way with the aim of making our bodies more prepared for these everyday or sometime infrequent tasks. Some people may go to a gym to have this training done but others may find that with the right trainer or training program they can do these functional exercises at home.

Here is a video I came across on Youtube demonstrating functional exercises that two guys were doing outdoors.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Proper Dieting for Great Abs and Better Health

So many people try to follow a fad diet. We don't need to do a "low carb" or "low fat" diet, or high or low this or that to be successful in losing enough belly fat to get slim enough to be able to see our abs. Someone told me balance is the key to success along with eating a diet that is made up of nutrient dense foods in their natural state (as unprocessed as possible).  I have been finding that out and it helped me loose belly fat.

Most of the time, it’s the heavy processing of foods that creates problems inside our bodies. Most foods in their natural raw state are really good for us. Of course there are always exceptions, I do not mean things that are poisonous or not good for us. The right type of nutrition and diet will help to get you slim for life and see that no-belly-fat flat stomach.

Get good quality protein in the daily diet - not only does it have a higher heat effect than carbs and fat and therefore you burn more calories digesting it, but it also satisfies your hunger longer. And it contributes to maintaining and building lean muscle. This is something a trainer pointed out to me that the amount of lean muscle you carry is one of the main factors for controlling your metabolism.

I use carbohydrate that has higher fiber sources such as vegetables, fruits, and high fiber unrefined grains. I now avoid refined sugars and refined grains as that is one of the main reasons so many people struggle with belly fat. I do not eat many grains but most of my carbs come from veggies and fruits. It is generally recommend that carbohydrate sources have at least 2-3 grams of fiber per each 10 grams of total carbs. Fiber helps fill you up and also slows down the glycemic response of the foods you eat, all beneficial for getting lean. And this is helpful for diabetics like myself.

Not all fat is bad! Too many people try to go way too low on their fat intake in their diet and this is not good for the hormone levels in our bodies as well as causing us to crave more food. We need to eat enough healthy fats daily. Good sources are like the following - all kinds of nuts and seeds, nut butters, avocados, olive oil, organic meats and eggs, coconuts and virgin coconut oil. I learnt that saturated fats from tropical oils are pretty misunderstood, even by many nutritionists and other health professionals. Tropical oils are composed highly of saturated fats, but are actually beneficial to us.

But the big warning to us whch will greatly help reduce belly fat is to AVOID.
Ingredients like artificial trans fats from margarines, shortening, and hydrogenated oils that are in most processed foods, high fructose corn syrup, which is in almost all sweetened products on the shelves.  Avoid most processed foods and that will be a big help to rid of belly fat.

Following these guidelines have helped me gain control over my appetite, blood sugar levels, hormone levels, belly fat etc.  It has certainly been helping me to look the way I want and feel more energy. I appreciate the help others have given me thru some programs on how to loose belly fat and get great abs.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Belly Fat not easy to get rid of

It appears whenever I get into discussion with someone serious about losing weight more especially getting rid of  belly fat we would both agree that it grows on us so easily. But it becomes very difficult to lose belly fat.  Probably that is why so many people give trying to get rid of that "spare tire" belly fat.  So instead it is passed off as another fat belly joke.

However, I had to recognize the dangerous side of not losing belly fat.  So many inherent complications to my health can arise if I did not lose belly fat.   There is a lot more information available today about the consequences of not paying attention to our obesity or being overweight.  A fat belly contributes negatively to so  many ailments or diseases.  So as I look at myself in the mirror, especially from a side view or looking towards my toes I increasingly disliked what I saw - my big, fat belly!

The more I understood about the threat to my health and life I read and listened and applied.  I decided I will get rid of belly fat so I could look better and live better!  Maybe if you are like me you might find interest at this link on getting rid of belly fat. I believe this lady who is a nationally certified, professional trainer and nutritionist helpful in what she says.  Take a look.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Fat Belly Diabetic Overcomes Weight problems

I am a 50+ year old diabetic who has been overweight with a fat belly.  My mother died at a relatively young age  because of diabetes. She lost her eyesight, had both legs amputated and was relegated to a wheelchair.  Although she had prosthetic legs her weight was too much and put a strain on both her body and heart.  She suffered from congested heart failure, coma and eventually died from a severe stroke.

Do I have reason to loose belly fat?  You bet I have a very good reason to lose belly fat.  I have been on diabetic medications and still using them but much less.  I started to use some products and methods to loose belly fat and control my diabetes. I also continue to have regular medical checkups and for over the last 18 months my diabetic levels have been normal!!

I was wearing 44 - 46 inch pants and now I am really using my belt to keep up a 38 inch pants because I lost belly fat.  My family, friends and people who know me can attest to this!

As anyone that knows me, I enjoyed and still do, apple pie, blueberry pie, pumpkin pie, pecan pie and cheesecake.  Yeah, steak, BBQ, and Fried Chicken, wings, and ribs - yep, a recipe for a fat belly.  I enjoy good food - anybody like me - sure there are many people like me.  I like fish, crab, lobster, homemade hamburger and there are lots more that I enjoy which contributes to a fat belly.

So in order to enjoy these things, control my diabetic condition and lose belly fat I chose to manage my diet and exercise.  I still do whatever it takes to loose belly fat and enjoy life.  Well, more about how I loose belly fat and live in my next post.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Alligin helps fight off MRSA

We have been hearing testimonial of how Alligin defeats virus attacks and can prevent many antibiotic resistant viruses from affecting people.
You can view these two videos where the doctor that developed Alligin shares about the effectiveness of this important response to all the viruses and other viral diseases that are affecting more and more people today.
Peter Josling interview part1

Peter Josling interview part2

For anyone interested in learning more about Alligin see the Squidoo blog

Beyond Six Pack Abs